Hello World
So here's my site, it's not much but my blogging needs aren't much either. It's a fairly simple flat CMS controlled through a series of Python Scripts that generate static HTML files. My goal here is to be as minimal as possible in terms of deployment requirements as this is running off of an extremely tiny server.
Update 2022:
As the years have gone on, I'm transitioning this site into more of a notebook, I've added some light obsidian integration so creating pages and posts is a breeze with the ability to copy paste screenshots as i keep working
The site is generated with markdown so here's a quick cheatsheet/reminder to myself on how that works.
// This is a comment
int x;
x += 2;
Code blocks are generated by enclosing with ~~~
Math equations don't work normally with the $ but instead require
\\[ 2 + 2 = 4 \\]